Film Acting 101 Workshop – October 21, 2017 – Morgantown, West Virginia

If you would like to join us for this amazing workshop:  email us at: we will send you a paypal invoice once invoice is paid, your spot will be reserved If you need a hotel room, Lakeview has offered a special rate.  Simply tell them you are in the WVFG Acting Workshop.  Hope to… Continue reading Film Acting 101 Workshop – October 21, 2017 – Morgantown, West Virginia

Film Acting 101 Workshop – Morgantown, West Virginia – August 26, 2017

If you would like to join us for this amazing workshop:  email us at: we will send you a paypal invoice once invoice is paid, your spot will be reserved If you need a hotel room, Lakeview has offered a special rate.  Simply tell them you are in the WVFG Acting Workshop.  Hope to… Continue reading Film Acting 101 Workshop – Morgantown, West Virginia – August 26, 2017

How to Build a “World” for Your Script

By Guest Blogger and WV Filmmakers Guild Member, Paul Nandzik Advice on Worldbuilding There’s nothing particularly easy about writing a good script, but if there was anything easy about it, worldbuilding would definitely not be it!  It’s easy to get overwhelmed with having to imagine up a whole world (or worlds, depending on the scope… Continue reading How to Build a “World” for Your Script

Now is the time to show your support for the film industry here in West Virginia!

If you’ve been a part of our crew, either in front of or behind the camera, you need to tell our elected officials to find another answer! If you ax the WV Film office, and the tax credit, none of productions you see here would have happened. And this is hardly all of them! WHY… Continue reading Now is the time to show your support for the film industry here in West Virginia!

Categorized as Resources

Film Flow Chart

Here’s a quick reminder on who answers to who. Respect your boundaries and build your relationship with those that are important. You can get to the know the producer at the wrap party.


MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION AND YEARLY DUES 2016/2017 West Virginia Filmmakers Guild dues are; $15 (student), $25 (individual) or $50 (corporate) Payment Options: Check, Cash, PayPal Memebership Level Professional $25.00 USDStudent $15.00 USDCorporate $50.00 USD Check: Make Checks Payable to West Virginia Filmmakers Guild Membership Form Download Please return this form with your payment to: The West… Continue reading Join WVFG

The New WVFG Website

Welcome to the new WVFG website. We are currently adding more resources on the back end for our members including: production forms, equipment rental options, videos, and member pages. Please be patient as we are working as fast as time permits.